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All Artikel mit Schlagwort ‘ITZ‘

22. Mrz 2024

HPC: Default module version policy change

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Dear HPC users, we have decided to implement a policy change during the maintenance window on April 2nd: When a user loads a module without specifying a version, they will get the newest installed version of the software instead of the oldest. During the maintenance window, all software installed on the cluster will be switched […]

15. Mrz 2024

IANVS: Maintenance window on 2024-04-02 09:00 to 17:00

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Update 2024-04-02 18:14: The maintenance window is over. Updates have been successfully applied.

17. Mrz 2023

IANVS: Higher quality of service for test jobs

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When you are still testing out your submit scripts, having to wait for a long time only to find your job has quit with an error can be very frustrating. In order to help with this, we have set up a new Quality of Service (QOS) category for jobs, called test. The test QOS is intended to be used for high-priority, high-turnaround jobs that are small, short-lived, and don’t use a lot of resources.

23. Feb 2022

IANVS: Cluster back online, no jobs until Feb 28th

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Dear IANVS users, the issues with the cluster have been resolved. The cluster is scheduled to be operational again on Monday, February 28th. For now, all current users will be able to login in order to get their data. Please note, however, that you will not be able to submit jobs until February 28th as […]

18. Jan 2022

IANVS: Major outage

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Dear IANVS users, On January 6th, IANVS has experienced a major hardware outage. We are working on procuring replacement parts. Unfortunately we cannot say at this moment when the issue will be resolved and the cluster will be ready again. We are sorry for the inconvenience. Please contact us if you have any questions: via […]

24. Jan 2018

IANVS: Intel Studio 2018.1 available

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Dear IANVS users, we have installed the current version of Intel Parallel Studio XE Cluster Edition. Starting with this version, we have split up the Intel Studio suite into multiple components: Compilers MKL MPI Debugger DAAL IPP PSTL TBB You can still load most of the suite at once with the command „ml intel-studio/2018.1.163“. More […]

2. Apr 2013

Aus zwei mach eins: IT-Hilfe für alle

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Die Gründungsfeier des ITZ und die feierliche Einweihung der renovierten Maschinensäle und Gebäude am 27. März 2013 wurden begleitet vom Magazin der Martin-Luther-Universität, scientia halensis: Dr. Frank Wossal erklärt die Rechner im Maschinenraum. (Fotos: Sarah Huke) Laute Lüfter, schnelle Rechner und eine Menge Kabel: In der Kurt-Mothes-Straße 1 am Weinberg Campus wurde das ITZ gestern nicht […]

20. Nov 2012

Neues Zentrum: “IT aus einer Hand”

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Anlässlich der Gründung des IT-Servicezentrums (ITZ) führte das Magazin der Martin-Luther-Universität, scientia halensis, ein Interview mit dem Leiter des Zentrums, Dr. Frank Wossal: Jetzt steht es fest: Zum 1. Dezember werden alle IT-Dienste an der MLU in einem neuen IT-Servicezentrum (ITZ) vereinigt. Gestern hat der Akademische Senat die Satzung der neuen Einrichtung verabschiedet. Was das […]


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